Curative Spa Union

Curative Spa Union

Czech Healing Spa Association

The Czech Healing Spa Association (SLL) was established in 1995 as a professional association of spa resorts with the purpose of maintaining and guaranteeing the high healing quality level of spa resorts. Currently, it brings together 47 members, out of which there are 45 health spas, which account for more than two-thirds of all spa beds in the country. All spas associated in the SLL are accredited spa resorts, including connection to the public health system and therefore, they must meet strict criteria for treatment, meals and accommodation.

Healing spas, whether public or private, are registered medical resorts, which differ from other spas or other accommodation facilities located in different spa places by using local natural healing sources, approved by the Ministry of Health. To be recognized as a healing spa resort, the facility must meet strict legal conditions. Keeping the healing character of the spa resort is difficult in the market economy. However, the emphasis on the therapeutic aspect of the spas gives Czech spas their worldwide reputation.